Youth Sport Trust

Youth Sport Trust focuses on impact through its sport programmes to effect have on young people's lives - increasing their confidence, improving their relationships and making them happier. By harnessing the power of sport and play to enhance wellbeing, boost attainment and achievement and help young people develop the life skills, we can help them thrive, be happy and healthy. 

teamArchie created its first Bursary with YST to provide a Bursary for one individual to coach football in China during a month’s tour of Chinese schools and football clubs to be monitored alongside a Football Association(FA) coach. Archie had won a Bursary in 2015 to travel to China, coach football and learn Mandarin, tragically Archie died before he was able to take advantage of this bursary, so it seemed appropriate to provide this opportunity to a deserving individual. 

Working with YST’s UK network across secondary schools we received 29 applications for this opportunity, these were shortlisted to six and the eventual winner chosen at interviews held at the home of football, Wembley Stadium. 

Whilst Keon Richardson was our chosen candidate, (see his blog here) the five runners-up were such outstanding candidates that teamArchie has supported all five in their next level of FA coaching awards or in helping further their ambitions in coaching at the grass roots level of football. One applicant, Roya Medhi has started her own girls football academy, Miss Kicks.




Greenhouse Sports